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report cover
Clothing | Price:$29.95. Also available for download

"The Gwich'in Traditional Clothing Project." In: Fascinating Challenges: Studying Material Culture with Dorothy Burnham, pp. 107-111. Edited by Judy Thompson, Judy Hall and...

Yeenoo Dài’ K’ètr’ijilkai’ Ganagwaandaii Book Cover
Clothing | Price:$14.95

Yeenoo Dài’ K’ètr’ijilkai’ Ganagwaandaii: Long Ago Sewing We Will Remember – The Story of the Gwich’in Traditional Caribou Skin Clothing Project.
Thompson, Judy and...

Clothing | Price:Available for download

"The Gwich'in Traditional Caribou Skin Clothing Project: Repatriating Traditional Knowledge and Skills." In: Arctic 55(2):205-210.
Kritsch, Ingrid and Karen Wright-...

Repatriating Traditional Gwich’in Skills and Knowledge Report Cover
Clothing, Oral History | Price:Available for download

Repatriating Traditional Gwich’in Skills and Knowledge 2006—2007: Report on a Pilot Project with Gwich’in Elders from Fort McPherson
Lyons, Natasha

The Gwich'in Traditional Caribou Skin Clothing Project (poster)
Clothing | Price:Available for download

The Gwich'in Traditional Caribou Skin Clothing Project: Repatriating Traditional Knowledge and Skills in the Gwich'in Settlement Area, Northwest Territories, Canada

Caribou Snare Poster
Clothing, Oral History, Language | Price:Available for download

Dog Pack, Fish Trap, Willow Bark Net and Caribou Snare Posters promoting the online exhibit "Gwadal' Zheii: Belongings From the Land"
Gwich'in Social and Cultural Institute, 2011...