GSCI Annual Report, 2000/2001

GSCI Annual Report, 2000/2001 Report Cover
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GSCI Annual Report, 2000/2001

* Gwich’in Language Plan Implementation, continued
* Gwich’in Traditional Clothing, continued
* Peel River Ethno-Archaeological Survey & Fort McPherson Excavation
* Gwich’in Elders’ Biographies, continued
* GSCI Information for GTC Internet web site –
* Gwich’in Volunteer Storybook – The Bell With a Name
* Review of Land and Water Applications for GLWB & GLA
* Draft Gwich’in Traditional Knowledge Policy, continued
* Nagwichoonjik National Historic Site, continued
* Production and publication of: Gwich’in Elders’ Calendar 2001
* Completion and publication of: Gwichya Gwich’in Googwandak: The History and Stories of the Gwichya Gwich’in (2001)
* Completion and publication of: Gwich’in Ethnobotany: Plants used by the Gwich’in for Food, Medicine, Shelter and Tools (2001)
* Article on Clothing Project in Fascinating Challenges: Studying Material Culture with Dorothy Burnham (2001)
(Colour xerox of GSCI report $10.00)