GSCI Annual Report, 2004/2005
* Gwich’in Dictionary and Grammar – 5th edition
* Gwich’in Elder’s Biography Project, continued
* Curricular Materials Developed, continued
* Black City Ethno-Archaeology Project
* Dempster Highway Brochure
* Nataiinlaii NWT Historic Site Nomination
* Mouth of the Peel NWT Historic Site Nomination
* Fort McPherson Ethno-Archaeology Booklet
* Fort McPherson National Historic Site Project, continued
* Nagwichoonjik Commemorative Integrity Statement
* Archival Strategic Plan
* Arctic Red River Headwaters Gap Analysis, Phase I
* Arctic Red River 10-Year Management Plan Review
* Mackenzie River Canadian Heritage River Nomination
* Inuvik Capital Suites Photo Project
* Gwich’in Clothing Project Community and Museum Exhibits, continued
* Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Traditional Knowledge Project, continued
* Land Use Permit Reviews
* Personnel Changes