GSCI Annual Report, 2007/2008

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GSCI Annual Report, 2007/2008

Culture & Heritage Projects
* Aklavik Place Names Project
* Arctic Red River Headwaters Ethno-Archaeology Project
* Dene Nation Tapes
* Ehdiitat Gwich’in Heritage Sites: Potential Heritage Conservation Zones
* Fort McPherson National Historic Site
* Grave Site Signage along Dempster Highway
* Gwich’in Traditional Caribou Skin Clothing Project
* Gwich’in Self-Government
* Heritage and Cultural Places in the GSA
* Knut Lang HPI nomination
* Mindy Willet Children’s Stories
* National Trust Round Table
* Peel River Dinosaur Research
* Peel Watershed Land Use Planning Commission
* Photo Digitization Project
* Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre Exhibit – Yamoria
* Pokiak and Nataiinlaii HPI Projects
* Tsiigehtchic Steppe Bison Fossil Find
* Teetl’it Gwich’in Place Names Atlas Project
* Teetl’it Gwich’in Place Names 2008 Project

Gwich’in Language Projects
* Gwich’in Language Dictionary, 7th Edition
* Gwich’in Elders’ Biographies/Gwich’in Elders Calendar 2008
* Community Gwich’in Language Classes
* Booklets/Readers Development
* 2nd Language Curriculum/Gwich’in Teachers Workshop
* Video-taping Community Events in Fort McPherson
* CBQM Weekly Radio Program
* Website Development
* Digitizing Video-tapes

* GSCI Board of Directors Training
* Review of GSCI 5-Year Plan (2006-2010)