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Tsiigehtchic Graveyard Project 2005
Benson, Kristi
Report on file at Gwich'in Social and Cultural Institute, 2005.
The Tsiigehtchic Community Action...

Tsiigehtchic Graveyard Project: Phase II, Old Graveyard 2008-2009.
Benson, Kristi
Report on file at Gwich'in Social and Cultural Institute, 2014....

Nomination Form for Territorial Historic Sites: Pokiak, Aklavik, Mackenzie Delta
Benson, Kristi
On file at Gwich'in Social and Cultural Institute, 2007...

Nomination Form for Territorial Historic Sites: Knute Lang's Place, Mackenzie Delta
Benson, Kristi
On file at Gwich'in Social and Cultural Institute,...

Nomination Form for Territorial Historic Sites: Chigwaazraii, Sreih Nitsìk, Ddhah Zhìt Han and Eneekaii Han Ehdiitat Gwich’in Cultural Landscape [Black Mountain, Red Mountain, Rat...

Nomination Form for Territorial Historic Sites: Khaii Luk Tshik (Travaillant Creek)
Benson, Kristi
On file at Gwich'in Social and Cultural Institute,...

Nomination Form for Territorial Historic Sites: Teetshik Goghaa Old Arctic Red Site
Benson, Kristi
On file at Gwich'in Social and Cultural Institute,...