Alpine arnica

Christian Bucher
Alestine Andre
Alestine Andre
Teetł’it Gwich’in Name:: 
at'an tsoo
Latin Name: 
Arnica alpina
As medicine
The flowers of the alpine arnica plant are used to make medicinal tea that is taken for stomach ailments (Andre 1995).
Source: Andre, Alestine and Alan Fehr, Gwich'in Ethnobotany, 2nd ed. (2002)
The yellow petals of the arnica or alpine arnica plant are mixed with grease or oil to make an ointment that is used to rub aching muscles. The above ground plant is used to make a tea to treat skin rash.
Recipe for making arnica ointment
Ruth Welsh said the petals are mixed with duck, goose, or porcupine grease because these kinds of grease do not freeze hard. Olive oil could also be used. Ruth said,
You warm the oils, put the petals in and just let it sit and you shake it up every so often and then strain that off.
The container holding the petals and oil is left at room temperature for a couple of days. The mixture is strained and then refrigerated. The ointment is then used as a rub for sore knees, joints or sore muscles and cramps. A tea made from the above ground parts of the arnica plant is used to bathe rashes and then the ointment is applied to help dry the rash. As an alternative, a tea made from spruce pitch or spruce boughs is made to bathe the rash if there are no arnica plants around.
Source: Andre, Alestine, Nan t'aih nakwits'inahtsìh (The Land Gives Us Strength) (2006)