GSCI Annual Report, 2002/2003

GSCI Annual Report, 2002/2003 Report Cover
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GSCI Annual Report, 2002/2003

* Traditional Gwich'in Clothing, continued
* Fort McPherson Archaeological Excavation and Survey, continued
* Nagwichoonjik National Historic Site Project, continued
* Teetl'it Gwich'in National Historic Site Project
* Gwich'in Place Names Project, continued
* Gwich'in Elders' Biographies, continued
* Gwich'in Traditional Knowledge Policy, continued
* Gwich'in Dictionary, continued
* Second-Language Curriculum
* Gwich'in Mentoring Program
* Land Use Review and Scientific Research Licences
* Personnel Changes
* Publications
(Colour xerox of GSCI report $10.00)