
12. Łenaiidląįį

Aadzee (Blazes). Photo credit: GSCI.
Official Name: 
This place name refers to an area on the East Channel of the Mackenzie River where Rudolph Channel and the East Channel come together.
Literal translation: 
Łenaiidląįį = water flows together again

There used to be a small town here in the 1920s and 1930s. Billy Phillips (Tommy Wright's grandfather) and his wife Jane Enoch Phillips, had a small trading post here from 1927 to 1939. Enoch Moses (Jane Phillips' father), Peter Enoch (Jane Phillips' brother) and their families, also stayed here. Enoch Moses moved to the Delta from Old Crow as a young man. Peter Enoch and his wife Ruth had many sons and daughters including Alex Moses. When Alex's father died and his mother married Jim Greenland, he became known as Alex Greenland. Other people who lived here at this time were Kenneth Stewart, Francis Bluecoat, Pierre Coyen and Aadzee (Blazes) and their families.