Njì’haii Chii Enùugwat
22. Njì’haii Chii Enùugwat
Just upstream from here, on the left bank of the Peel River is the location of one of two monuments to the Royal North West Mounted Police “Lost Patrol.” The two monuments commemorate the places where the bodies of the four RNWMP men were found who became lost and perished during their patrol between Fort McPherson and Dawson City in 1911. This monument marks the location of the bodies of Constables Kinney and Taylor, found by Special Constable Charlie Stewart, Sarah Simon’s father. The monument is built of logs stacked horizontally in the shape of a pyramid and painted white. A wooden plaque attached to the monument reads: “On this site Csts. C.F. Kinney and R.D.H. Taylor, R.N.W.M.P., perished February 1911, while returning to Fort McPherson after an unsuccessful attempt to patrol to Dawson, Yukon by dog team.” Inspector Fitzgerald and Special Constable Carter died downriver from here. All of the men were buried in the Fort McPherson Anglican Church cemetery.