
The images in this library were largely taken during GSCI research projects by staff or individuals involved in our research. These are a small selection of the more than 5,000 photographs currently on file. We hope to make more available in the future as we digitize our photo collection. Please note that the photographs included in the History section may also come from Archival and/or published works not generated by GSCI. Please credit the photographer and source of all photographs as indicated.

Copyright notice

These on-line images may be used for research and non-commercial purposes only, with the understanding that the photographer and source will be credited as noted. Photographs may not be reproduced in published works or used in public broadcasts without the written permission of the Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute.

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Ingrid Kritsch
Category: Places

Aerial view of Gyuu Dazhoo Njik (Snake River) during the 1993 Gwichya Gwich'in Place Names Project. Note fires burning along the river.

Ingrid Kritsch
Category: Places

Srehtadhadląįį (Point Separation) where the Mackenzie River separates into three main channels which then flow through an area known as the “Mackenzie Delta.”

Ingrid Kritsch
Category: Places

View of hills at Tł’oondih where summer and winter trails led to hunting grounds in the Yukon. Clearing is where Old Vittrekwa had his camp. Photo taken during the 2001 Gwich'in Science Camp.

Ingrid Kritsch
Category: Places

Lake in the upper reaches of the Blackstone River. Photo taken during the 1999 Tombstone Oral History Project, a partnership between GSCI, Teetl'it Gwich'in Council, Tr'ondek Hwech'in and Yukon...

Ingrid Kritsch
Category: Places

Walter Alexie standing beside a hunting blind in Seela Pass with the Chandindu River behind him. Photo taken during the 1999 Tombstone Oral History Project, a partnership between GSCI, Teetl'it...

Ingrid Kritsch
Category: Places

Walter Alexie standing in front of a two-pole stage at Alfred Bonnetplume's camp at Ts’ok Ìitl’in in the upper Blackstone area.
